Buying The Farm, A Beginning Farmer Publication by Steve Riddle

Steve Riddle, a beginning farmer who has published stories about “Buying the Farm” on this site in the past and has a has a hilarious new e-book publication called  “So We Bought the Farm” describing the trials, tribulations, and realities of So We Bought The Farm By Steve Riddlestarting a farm.

The publication is now available as an e-book from Amazon for $2.99 (You don’t need an eReader or a tablet computer to purchase and read it. If you have a regular computer or a smartphone, you can purchase and read his book on those devices, too). It really is a must read for anyone interested in beginning farming, or who just wants to read some hilarious tales of hi-jinx and humor. Steve is a one of a kind farmer and author, with an incredible gift for storytelling and a great outlook on life.

A few of Steve’s fantastic beginning farmer stories can be found on this site including: “The Best Goat Farming Story Ever”; “The Misadventures of 8-Ball Wentz & the Soggy Bottom Boy”; “Whisper Cussing“; and “Chickens and Eggs” can be found here on But I highly recommend his new e-book “So We Bought the Farm” (If you don’t like Amazon, you can also get it from SmashWords) which includes other stories, background on Steve and his family and their adventure starting a farm, and some great illustrations.

I guarantee you will roll on the floor with laughter at some of these. But there is also a lot to learn for beginning farmers from his experience. Steve is totally one of a kind, and his stories are a must read for anyone interested in farming.

I highly recommend this publication, available from Knuckeldown Press, and now being sold on Amazon at:

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