BFRDP Deadline Extended by NIFA

BFRDP Deadline Extended, Unpacking Land Policy, NSAC is Hiring – in the Latest News from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development – BFRDP Deadline Extended
USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA), which administers BFRDP, formally released the Requests for Applications (RFA) for fiscal years (FY) 2021 and 2022 in late December, but has since updated the RFA to reflect additional funding provided by recent legislation enacted to respond to the coronavirus pandemic. Organizations interested in applying for grant funding must submit an electronic application through by 5:00pm EST on Thursday April 29, 2021 (for FY21 projects) and Thursday March 24, 2022 (for FY22 projects). Read more about the program and the BFRDP deadline at our blog.
Unpacking Land Policy and What Is Needed for a More Equitable Farming Future
Access to farmland remains the number one barrier facing aspiring farmers today, and this barrier is even higher for farmers of color. The National Young Farmers Coalition released a new report, Land Policy: Towards a More Equitable Farming Future, that illustrates the critical connection between land, policy and power. The report highlights the challenges young farmers, and in particular, Black, Indigenous, and other farmers of color (BIPOC), face accessing land and provides a detailed path forward through policy change.
Young Farmers released this report alongside a new Land Policy website which includes profiles of farmers who are navigating the challenges of accessing land as well as a growing library of resources and policy solutions that lawmakers can implement now to facilitate secure, equitable land access for growers. Together, these resources provide a toolkit for farmers, policymakers, organizations and advocates to understand these issues and take action.
Check out our blog to learn more about land access issues and the new National Young Farmers Coalition toolkit.
NSAC is Hiring! Policy Fellowship Application Closes Sunday
NSAC is currently seeking a Policy Fellow to start in May 2021 and lasting until May 2022. This position is paid, full-time, includes benefits, and is located at NSAC’s Washington, D.C. office on Capitol Hill. Full-time remote work for a portion of the position tenure is possible due to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. Learn more about the position and apply here; application deadline is this Sunday April 18, 2021. Please share with your networks!
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