Berry Farm Internship in California

berry farm internship

Berry Farm Internship in California at Mountain Bounty Farm – 2019

Mountain Bounty Farm is a 16 acre organic vegetable farm located outside of Nevada City, CA. The farm has been in operation for over 20 years, fulfilling a 600+ member CSA, as well as selling produce at local farmer’s markets and to restaurants and grocery stores. Interns are a core element of our 12-14 person farm crew and they participate in all farm activities from greenhouse work to harvest, field work, and farmer’s markets. Interns work closely with the farm managers to maintain our complex and dynamic vegetable farm. This includes driving tractors, seeding, transplanting, lots of weeding, irrigation, harvest, washing and packing produce, driving deliveries, and other crop care.

Berry Farm Internship:

Interns work Monday through Friday, 8+ hours per day, and are also responsible for two Saturday farmers markets per month, and occasional irrigation duties after-hours. We average a 40-hour work week over the season, with slightly shorter weeks in spring and fall, and slightly longer weeks at the height of summer.

Prior farm experience is preferred, but not a requirement. Successful candidates usually have experience with some type of outdoor labor and/or a strong athletic background. We are also looking for people who are serious about farming as a career. This is a top-notch training opportunity for someone who is ready to take on the challenge and responsibility of farming.

We are looking for people for the Berry Farm Internship who are organized, curious, personable, and very motivated. Applicants should be able to work hard and fast in all weather (it can be cold and wet here in spring and fall, and summers are very hot), do heavy lifting, repetitive grasping, standing, bending, and lots of walking. Although we keep the work varied, farming is inherently challenging. Ideal candidates are committed to the farming lifestyle and all that it entails. 

The majority of the educational component for the Berry Farm Internship comes through the experience of working directly on the farm: learning by doing. Over the years, we have developed a successful system that is also relatively simple and elegant. One benefit as an intern is reaping the bounty of our many years of learning, passed along to you over the course of your internship. Interns are gradually given more and more responsibility, to the extent they are individually ready. We believe that being allowed to take charge of something important, and also being allowed to make mistakes, is one of the richest and most effective ways to learn.

Additionally, each intern is responsible for a project of their own: managing chickens, irrigating crops, greenhouse care, farmers markets, etc.  Toward the end of the season, we occasionally take field trips to other farms in the area, and periodically we take time to sit down after work for intern-directed Q&A discussions (topics like “farm business management”). We love to teach and are stimulated by people who are excited about learning. Long hours in the field provide the perfect opportunity to see what works and what doesn’t, as well as plenty of discussion about why.

Interns are compensated with a $1200/month stipend as well as with vegetables, fruit and eggs. Interns are also provided with housing on the farm – simple, rustic cabins as well as a semi-outdoor shared kitchen space, outdoor shower and composting toilet. 

The Berry Farm Internship at Mountain Bounty Farm is challenging, highly sought after, and immensely rewarding. The vast majority of Mountain Bounty alumni go on to either work at other farms or start their own farms. Interns who excel in their first season may be offered management positions and permanent employment here at Mountain Bounty.

To apply for the Berry Farm Internship please visit and read the application instructions carefully.

Learn more about farming and food jobs and internships, or how to post a job on internship opportunity on at   

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