Mourning the Loss of Nancy Jones-Keiser: Organic Farmer, Educator, Activist, and Friend

Many of us in Michigan are mourning the loss of Nancy Jones-Keiser, who passed away on Monday, September 28th 2009.

Nancy was a longtime activist and educator, and an organic farmer who worked tirelessly and selflessly to promote local and organic food and farming, natural health, and democracy – often with her husband Paul Keiser. Her contributions to the movement were extraordinary, and she was a wonderful woman of great intelligence, compassion, and spirit.

She was also a personal friend to both of us here at, with whom we had the pleasure of working closely for a number of years on the Michigan Organic Food and Farm Alliance Board of Directors.

To read more about Nancy, see the Post on the Sweetwater Market Website.

Jim and I are deeply saddened by her loss, and we will both miss her very much.  We offer our heartfelt condolences to her family and her friends.

Sincerely, respectfully, and with a heavy heart,

Taylor Reid

1 Comment on Mourning the Loss of Nancy Jones-Keiser: Organic Farmer, Educator, Activist, and Friend

  1. Nancy was my first girlfriend when we were in high school. She was a wonderful person and I have many fond memories of her. I was deeply saddened to hear of her passing.

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