MENU Administrator Taylor Reid to Present at Growing Power’s Urban & Small Farm Conference

I will be presenting at this year's Growing Power Urban and Small Farm Conference in Milwaukee September 10 - 12th 2010 with Farm Aid’s Farmer Advocate Joel Morton, Amy Mall Family Farm Defenders & Altgeld Sawyer Conrner Farm near Logan Square in Chicago.

Our panel presentation is entitled Tools for Change: Resources and Opportunities for Supporting New Farmers, Transformative Food Systems and a Just and Diverse Food Economy

Here is a brief description of our panel and discussion: This interactive workshop explores fundamental issues and emerging opportunities facing all small, new, urban, and socially disadvantaged farmers and the communities they serve: financing and funding opportunities, technical expertise and resources, and formal and informal networking within the community and beyond.  Hosted by Farm Aid, which since 1985 has raised and distributed over $37 million to non-profit farm and food organizations through its annual benefit concertsa national non-profit working to build a vibrant family farm-centered system of agriculture, the workshop will include.

It will take place Friday, September 10th, 2010, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm; Room I

See more information on the Growing Power Conference by clicking the 'Read More' tab...

Come to Milwaukee and help grow the good food revolution. Hosted by Growing Power—a national organization headed by the sustainable urban farmer and MacArthur Fellow Will Allen—this international conference will teach the participant how to plan, develop and grow small farms in urban and rural areas. Learn how you can grow food year-round, no matter what the climate, and how you can build markets for small farms. See how you can play a part in creating a new food system that fosters better health and more closely-knit communities.

Location : Wisconsin State Fair Grounds




  • Understand how non-profit organizations can work cooperatively with city and state governments, as well as for-profit and non-profit agricultural enterprises.
  • See how to create successful farm-to-school initiatives by drawing on Growing Power experiences in Milwaukee, Madison, and Chicago.
  • Learn how to grow relationships with corporations that can help support locally grown food initiatives.
  • Discover how to create and utilize renewable energy in local agricultural systems.
  • Learn about the development of multi-story vertical farms.
  • Find how social justice and food justice can be fostered through the local and regional farm system.
  • Visit successful small farms in the Milwaukee metropolitan area.
  • Enjoy food grown by local and regional farmers and prepared by local chefs!
  • Over 2,000 participants expected with opportunities to network and mingle
  • Exhibit hall available

Exciting Conference Tracks

3rd Annual Growing Food and Justice Gathering

This year the GFJI Gathering will be held in partnership with the Growing Power – Urban Agriculture and Small Farms conference in Milwaukee, WI this year: September 10-12, with pre- conference activities beginning September 8th, making it a little easier for folks to attend both GFJI’s annual gathering and the urban agriculture and small farm conference!!!!

1 Comment on Administrator Taylor Reid to Present at Growing Power’s Urban & Small Farm Conference

  1. Unfortunately, I have to sell my ticket to this years Urban Agriculture and Small Farm Conference. Registration costs $350 but I am offering mine for $250. Growing Power allows you to transfer your registration but they do not offer refunds which is why I am advertising this way. If you are thinking of going you can save $100 and help me out. Contact me at if you are interested. THANKS

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