Beginning Farmers: USDA Conservation Reserve Program Sign on Ends Oct. 13, Urge Them to Support Funding for this Important Program

Press Release From NSAC

CRP Transition Option Sign On Ends October 13th!
Last Chance to add your organization’s name to our sign on letter urging USDA to implement the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Transition Option NOW.

The option will offer incentives to land owners not intending to renew their CRP contracts to sell or lease the land to beginning or minority farmers using sustainable or organic farming practices.  To sign on, just send an email to by Tuesday of this week.

NSAC has also launched a petition for individuals to sign.  Please sign on to the letter and circulate this petition.

The option has been swept up in a CRP program wide Environmental Impact Review expected to take at least two years.  4.3 million acres are expected to come out of the CRP program over the next two years.  That’s 4.3 million missed opportunities to put the land under wildlife-friendly sustainable or organic production and to provide economic opportunity and entry to beginning and minority farmers.

The Des Moines Register ran an article on the issue on Sunday, October 11.

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