Beginning Farmers Podcast: Advice and Resources

Taylor Reid was recently featured on the Growing Farms Podcast from, talking about how and why www, was developed, and providing advice for beginning farmers.

Also in this episode you can hear about the resources for beginning farmers from our friends at Farm Aid and from The National Young Farmers Coalition! You can listen to the podcast here:

More on the Growing Farms Podcast from John Suscovich – a young farmer and farmer promoter:

The best way to learn how to be a farmer is from other farmers. The most common way to do this is to spend one or more seasons working on a farm as an intern or apprentice. The experience you gain is invaluable, and will closely effect how you plan and execute your own farm, if you choose to start your own.

What you main not gain through that experience is the perspective of all the other farmers in the world. There’s more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak. What works for one person does not work for everyone. However, it can be difficult to get out and visit and spend time with other farmers as time, money, and geography can all be limiting factors.

It was in a search for a solution to the problem of limited scope that I started the Growing Farms Podcast. I am starting a farm of my own, FoodCyclist Farm (, in Connecticut this year. Such an undertaking can be overwhelming, as anyone who has farmed before knows. I am not afraid to ask questions and seek advice. If I was going to be contacting all of these farmers anyways, I figured why not record it and share it with the world so they can learn with me?

I have interviewed farmers from all over the country, and with farming styles that range from part-time small scale vegetable CSA to full scale feedlot operations. I do these interviews to learn, grow, make new friends, and hopefully plan and execute a successful farm of my own.

I recently interviewed Taylor Reid of since his website has been a great source of information for me through the years. Taylor shares his story about how the website got started and shares some advice for beginning farmers.

I release new episodes of the podcast every Tuesday morning. All of the old episodes are available for download 24 hours a day, seven days a week on my website,  You can also get the episodes through iTunes, Stitcher, and Blackberry as well. I encourage you to listen, share with others, and send me feedback. I share the same goal with Taylor of helping other farmers and foodies with helpful information.

7 Comments on Beginning Farmers Podcast: Advice and Resources

  1. I have never lsitened to a podcast before, & only have a limited data transfer package per month, so don’t want to sit at my computer for 45 minutes when I could (SOMEHOW) load it into my IPod & listen while walking on the beach or whatever. Can you help me get this figured out?

    My huband and I own 40 acres of remote property on the north end of Kodiak Island, where I am just beginning to establish an organic micro-farm & sustainability learning center. (Check out our website, listed above.) I have gardened in the past, but never farmed, so I have a lot to learn, & very little time/funds to waste. I have taken the Beginning Farmer’s Course, & am looking for every bit of information I can find or resource I can tap into that’ll increase our chances of success. I look forward to any input you can offer, but for now, let’s start with the podcast dealy?!


  2. BTW, the above link does not work:


  3. Ginger,

    If you go to you can right click the episode, click “save as” and download the MP3 which is 38.8 MB. You can then add it to your itunes or music library on your ipod, or listen to it from your computer. If you have some kind of smart phone you can transfer the file onto that and listen that way. That’s what I used to do when I was working on a farm last summer.

    I hope that helps.


  4. Nice podcast. Keep up the good work. I am a 1st generation sort of young (43) farmer. Raising eggs and goats and this year veggies.

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