Beginning Farmers Composting Page Going Strong

I keep adding new links to the Composting page, because it appears that folks really like it. Below is a copy of the latest link, which is also a tribute to an old friend.

Nice to see that the original worm woman, Mary Appelhof, author of the classic Worms Eat My Garbage still has a site up in her name. Mary was the original Organic Certification Chair of Organic Growers of Michigan (now defunct) which was started in 1973, the same year as CCOF. She passed away a few years back, but the site looks great, so I trust that her partner Mary Frances is keeping Flowerfield Enterprises going strong. Anyway, is still a great site for books and a whole range of high quality composting products, information, and services. Theres still an article on the site that she wrote about why she self published, and never sold out. She was a woman ahead of her time, and she left us too soon. We sure do miss her.

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