Beginning Farmers and the Farm Bill

Beginning Farmers and the Impact of the Farm Bill

In Fall 2012, Congress allowed the farm bill to expire, and instead signed a farm bill extension into law. That extension expired as of October 1, 2013, independent of the government shutdown that occurred at the same time.

The National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) is publishing a “What’s at Stake in the Farm Bill?” series “that focuses on ten of the stranded programs and how their expiration impacts farmers and communities throughout the country.”

Their first post in this series is “What’s at Stake? The Next Generation of Farmers.”

That’s you!

Excerpt: As of October 1, Congress has once again allowed the farm bill to expire, and these programs are now at risk of becoming permanently “stranded” without funding.  These stranded programs impact over half of the agricultural sector – including fruit and vegetable, organic, renewable energy, livestock, minority, and beginning farmers – and invest in sustainable food systems, rural job creation, and the next generation of farmers.  Unless Congress takes action, these innovative and forward-looking programs will disappear.

Read more from NSAC’s post here.

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