Beginning Farmer Videos

New Series of Beginning Farmer Videos from!

We are excited to announce a new series of beginning farmer videos shot during the 2020 farm season. Centered around farm walks at Old Ford Farm, a full plate farm in the Hudson Valley Region of New York State, these videos focus on understanding basic aspects of farm scale vegetable and animal production. 

Topics covered include:

  • Crop Rotation
  • Cover Cropping
  • Direct Seeding
  • Weed Control
  • Weed Identification
  • Common Pests
  • Organic Pest Control
  • Diversity
  • Milking Dairy Cows
  • And Much, Much More

Please subscribe to the You Tube page for TheNewFarms or  bookmark this page and check back regularly for new videos. 

Featured videos from

Planting Cucurbits

Check out the June, 2020 planting of squash, cucumbers, and melons at Old Ford Farm. Shows transplanting techniques, spacing, irrigation, insect netting, and more.

Scuffle Hoe and Wheel Hoe for Weeding

A discussion of the most useful hand tools for weeding on a farm or in a garden: the scuffle hoe and the wheel hoe. Shows proper techniques for efficient use.

Diversified Farm Tour May 25th

Features a discussion about crop rotation, crop diversity, and cultural, biological, and chemical control. Followed by in in depth tour of a small vegetable CSA, looking at a variety of different crops, pests, weeds, pest control techniques, irrigation, and more.

Colorado Potato Beetle on Eggplant

Discussion of Colorado Potato Beetle identification, physiology, and control. Includes some fascinating history about Colorado Potato Beetle evolution and farmers responses.

Picking Peas

Discussion of pea harvest at Old Ford Farm. Includes information about identifying ripe peas, and tricks for ease of harvest.

June 20th Diversified Farm Tour

A detailed discussion and walk through the vegetable production at Old Ford Farm on June 20th, 2020. Covers common weeds, the vegetables that are in season at this time of year, common pests and pest control methods, crop rotation, and much more…

July 7th Diversified Farm Tour

A tour of the diversified multi-crop vegetable operation at Old Ford Farm in the Hudson Valley region of New York State. Discussion includes common pests and pest exclusion and eradication methods, a continuing exploration of successful crop rotations, edible weeds, and much, much more.

Find tons of other farming resources on a wide variety of topics here.