Beginning Farmer Training Jobs in Massachusetts

Two New Beginning Farmer Training Jobs at New Entry Sustainable Farming Project in Massachusetts
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project, Lowell and Greater Boston, MA: New Entry works to improve our local and regional food systems by training the next generation of farmers to produce food that is sustainable, nutritious and culturally appropriate and making this food accessible to individuals regardless of age, mobility, ethnicity, or socio-economic status. In doing this work, New Entry provides critical training, career development, and economic opportunity to new farmers. We operate beginning farmer training programs, run incubator farms, manage a diverse food hub, connect producers to farmland, run a statewide beginning farmer network, and provide technical support to other food systems organizations across the US. We are seeking two, full-time, year-round, fully benefitted positions to join New Entry’s team of professionals, see: . Looking to fill positions by March 1, 2016.
Technical Assistance and Incubator Farm Coordinator: New Entry’s Technical Assistance and Incubator Farm Site Coordinator is responsible for providing year-round technical assistance (TA) and training to small-scale beginning farmers, both on and off the field, on multiple aspects of farm enterprise development. The Coordinator will develop and deliver annual Farm Business Planning Courses (9-week training program), host field-based practical skills trainings (12 sessions during season), manage three New Entry incubator farms and equipment, determine best approach for site improvements, and facilitate crop production (emphasizing organic techniques) to achieve lease compliance. The ideal candidate will have farm business ownership experience, be a good mentor to new producers, and be fully capable of safely operating farm equipment with various implements. For a complete job description and to apply:
Beginning Farmer Resource Coordinator: New Entry’s Beginning Farmer Resource Coordinator will provide year-round technical assistance (TA) and training to small-scale, direct market beginning farmers, both on and off the field, on multiple aspects of farm enterprise development. This person will also manage the statewide Beginning Farmer Network of Massachusetts (, and conduct farmer intake and case management/technical assistance for participants in New Entry programs and services, and teach our Explore Farming courses. Another major responsibility of this role is to support urban farmer training in collaboration with Urban Farming Institute of Boston by teaching an urban farmer training course. For a complete job description and to apply:
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