Beginning Farmer Stories

Some of you have probably had the pleasure of reading a couple of the raw stories that my friend Steve Riddle shared on this site a while back.

He’s both a fantastic writer, and someone who shares a lot in common with many of the new and beginning farmers I’ve met through this site. Many of his stories are absolutely hilarious. Many are sobering. But they all “tell it like it is” from his perspective. The first one he sent in 3 pieces in a facebook post because facebook only lets you write a certain number of words before it cuts you off. I was immediately captivated, and when I read it aloud to my wife we were both laughing so hard I had to keep taking breaks to catch my breath. Then I started reading it to anyone who would listen. A lot of my friends are cynics, and others are perhaps a tad self involved. But everyone who allowed me to read it to (both farmers and non-farmers) had similar reactions – not only the laughing aloud part, but something along the lines of: “seriously, this guy you don’t really know sent you this thing on facebook? He’s either crazy, brilliant, or both”… Anyway, everyone I could get to let me read it to them or read it themselves absolutely LOVED it.

About a week later I got an e-mail about a farmer writing competition from a publisher I don’t even remember what the prize was supposed to be. But two days later the publisher asked me to take down the post because the funding fell through. Well I just couldn’t let it go, so I got in touch with the publisher and shared a couple of Steve’s stories with him. He wrote back almost immediately, I put the two of them in touch, and the result is now published and available in electronic form.

It really is a terrific book, and everyone who’s reviewed it on Amazon is of the same opinion. It tells about Steve’s experience starting the farm, and shares many of his madcap adventures – some disastrous, many hilarious, but all true, and written with a personal style that is both humble and heartwarming. Anyway, I highly recommend it. It’s a fun and easy read, and it only costs 3 bucks.

I’m really proud to call Steve a friend. And I guarantee that after you read it you’ll think of him as a friend as well. I have no stake in this, and assure you that he’s not making a bunch of money from this venture. He’s just a farmer with some great stories to tell, and he happens to be good at doing that. Buy the book here:

So We Bought The Farm

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