Beginning Farmer and Rancher Stakeholder Web Meeting

2015 Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) Stakeholders Feedback Webinar 

The Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) staff at NIFA will hold a webinar to receive your feedback/comments about the BFRDP program and process.

July 9, 2015 – 1:00 – 2:00 pm (EDT)

Topics: Questions and Comments Open Forum 

Access the July 9th webinar

(Or copy and paste:

Please note:

•    There is no pre-registration.

•    Use the access links above at the scheduled time of the webinar to begin viewing.

•    Our system, Adobe Connect, will allow for 200 connections on a first-come first-served basis. If there are multiple people at your organization interested in participating in the webinar, please do so under one connection, i.e. one computer.

●Please post comments, suggestions, feedback in the chat box at any time during the webinar

•    If you are unable to connect to the webinar, please use the following conference call line. We will also post PowerPoint slides the day of the webinar to allow you to follow along.

Call-in number: 888-844-9904

Access code: 6824450#

•    The link to the FY 2015 Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Development Program is included for your reference:

If you would like to provide input but cannot join the webinar, your comments are welcome via email to, or by phone to the program leaders (Jill Auburn, 202-720-2635 or Denis Ebodaghe, 202-401-4385).  Stakeholder input is welcome any time, but needed by July 15, 2015, to be most useful for development of the 2016 Request for Applications.

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