Beginning Farmer and Rancher Resources Blog, a Great Resource for Learning About Managing Your Farm Finances

Beginning Farmer and Rancher Resources is an excellent blog site which offers comprehensive resources on Bookkeeping and Other Basics; Cash Flow Budgeting and Managing Debt; Small Farm and Ranch Income Taxes, and more. This blog is packed with useful information. The link to this blog is also permanently available on our Farm Business Planning Page.

1 Comment on Beginning Farmer and Rancher Resources Blog, a Great Resource for Learning About Managing Your Farm Finances

  1. Hey!

    I just stumbled upon your blog & hoped you might welcome an email from me. My name is Allison and I work for a ministry called Campus Crusade for Christ at the University of Alabama. It’s an INCREDIBLE ministry and I am so so proud to work for them. Anyway! I just discovered this great organization called Steer Inc. and am on the search for ranchers across the nation! Have you heard of Steer Inc.?? I would love any and all networking help you could give me!! I have no idea if this would be something any of your followers would be interested or if someone you might know would be interested but I’d LOVE to hear back from you. . Regardless, your blog is great!! Have a wonderful day!

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