Beginning Farmer and Rancher Events in Virginia

beginning farmer and rancher events

Check out these beginning farmer and rancher events happening in Virginia in August of 2018. And stay tuned to for more beginning farmer and rancher events happening in other states…

August 7Benefits of Agroforestry in Transitioning and Organic Systems (Webinar): Join this webinar to learn how trees and shrubs can provide benefits to organic systems

August 7Homefield Farm Tour (Blacksburg)Topics include a tour of production fields, high tunnel, and packing shed; discussion of soil health, cover crops, mechanical planting and cultivation, and harvest equipment; dealer demonstration of walk-behind tractor and implements

August 9Generation NEXT Mini Workshop (Farmville)You value your forest and/or farmland for many reasons. Are you prepared to pass the environmental and heirloom values rooted in your forest to the next generation? Without breaking it up? Please join this workshop for hands-on experience and free legal guidance from professionals experienced in intergenerational land transfer and landowner testimonials of estate planning steps and strategies.

August 13Small Farmer Orientation (Petersburg)This half-day workshop introduces the available training programs, technical assistance and financial resources designed to support new and beginning farm operations

August 14Rethinking the Nutrient Management Paradigm for Soil Health (Webinar): Participants will learn about using a holistic approach by adopting a diversity of practices and concepts to achieve optimal nutrient management strategies

August 15Precision Ag Day (Hanover): Topics covered include climate field view technology, planter and sprayer technology, drones, and precision ag mapping based on yields and soil samples

August 16Military Veterans Tour of Randolph Farm (Petersburg)

August 21Generation NEXT Mini Workshop (Surry)You value your forest and/or farmland for many reasons. Are you prepared to pass the environmental and heirloom values rooted in your forest to the next generation? Without breaking it up? Please join this workshop for hands-on experience and free legal guidance from professionals experienced in intergenerational land transfer and landowner testimonials of estate planning steps and strategies.

August 22Farmer/Buyer ‘Meet Up” (Petersburg): This event provides an opportunity to connect growers to buyers in a networking session that can lead to sales relationships.

August 27Warrenton/Culpeper Local Foods Tour: This event will be an on-farm twilight vegetable growers meeting where participants will hear about certified organic growing and marketing through various channels.

August 31Pumpkin Management Field Day (Lanexa)Participants will meet at the farm’s pavilion, hear from farmers, then carpool to the pumpkin field, where speakers will talk about insect and disease control and other pumpkin production concerns

These beginning farmer and rancher events are brought to you by the Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition. Starting a farm is difficult, and succeeding beyond the first few years may be even more so.   Beginning farmers and ranchers nation-wide face unique challenges to achieve their farm goals and aspirations.  The long-term goal of the Virginia Beginning Farmer & Rancher Coalition (VBFRC) is to improve opportunities for beginning farmers and ranchers to establish and sustain viable agricultural operations and communities in Virginia.  To reach our goal, we support the development and enhancement of whole farm planning curriculum and training, online resources, social networking, and farmer mentoring.  Unique to the VBFRC is its coalition of agricultural organizations and farm business that work together to develop and implement these aims.


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