Beginner’s Biogas Workshops


Biogas is a burnable fuel, like natural gas, but produced by the anaerobic (oxygenless) decomposition of almost anything once alive (grass, fruit waste, manure, etc.) in a container called a “biogas
digester”. In an on-going series of classes, and in co-operation several other organizations, David House (author of The Complete Biogas Handbook) is offering workshops about how to understand, make, and use biogas using very low-cost digesters. Attendees will be given a kit for a digester capable of producing enough fuel for a small family to cook meals. Classes now scheduled include Oct. 8-9 in Hawaii, and Oct. 16-17 in Pennsylvania, where a scholarship for some state residents covers up to 75% of the cost of the class.

We have also been invited by ATTRA/NCAT to teach a workshop in March 2011 (in Iowa), and there is a second class in PA scheduled for Oct 19-20. Full details are provided at the link offered.

The hands-on focus of these workshops is a new, very low-cost design for biogas digesters, suited to sizes from 200 gal (0.75 cu m) to, say, 3,000 gal (10 cu m). A number of workshops are being scheduled, and *we are interested in working with people and organizations around the country and around the world to set up more workshops*. Biogas is far more efficient than either biodiesel or bioethanol in converting biomass into usable energy. (See for supporting evidence.)

2 Comments on Beginner’s Biogas Workshops

  1. Sir, I would like to particapate, in this. I am a Malaysian Living in Philippines,I would like aliveate the living standards of the poor farmers from the upland(hills) there has only been liptalk from the goverment, about . I would really appericate if you give me a possitive reply if I could buy small systems for family .

    Thanking you in advance,


    • Dominic,

      I just post these things. You need to look at the contact information in the post to find out how to participate.

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