Beekeeping Farminar from Practical Farmers of Iowa

Tuesday, 12/9   7 pm CST

Upcoming Farminars 

Dec. 16 – “Haney & PLFA Soil Tests: What, How? Why?” – Presented by Fred Abels and Lance Gunderson
Dec. 23 – “Direct-Marketing Grain-Finished Beef” – Presented by Shanen and Beau Ebersole, and Dave Hill

Watch Past Farminars Anytime Including:

Getting Started in Dairy Farming” – Presented by Kevin Dietzel and John Gilbert
“Extending the Rotation Beyond Corn and Beans” – Presented by Dick Sloan and Matt Liebman
Cut Flower Production” – Presented by Lynn Byczynski
“Business-Planning with Finances in Mind” – Presented by Janna Feldman and Jim Patton

Watch dozens of past farminars in the archives, at

Farminars: Learn from farmers. Online. For free.  

Founded in 1985, Practical Farmers of Iowa is an open, supportive and diverse organization of farmers and friends of farmers, advancing profitable, ecologically sound and community-enhancing approaches to agriculture through farmer-to-farmer networking, farmer-led investigation and information sharing. Farmers in our network produce corn, soybeans, beef cattle, hay, fruits and vegetables, and more. For additionalinformation, call 515.232.5661 or visit

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