Beekeeping Apprenticeship in Nebraska

beekeeping apprenticeship

Beekeeping Apprenticeship in Nebraska for 2017

Beekeeping Apprenticeship: Bush Bees in Nehawka, Nebraska, needs an apprentice to learn, and  help with, queen rearing and natural beekeeping.  Also help with other farm work.  We are one of the leaders in treatment free beekeeping.  We do treatment free beekeeping and want to make treatment free queens available.

Intern/Apprentice will receive training in all aspects of queen rearing, queen marketing and treatment free beekeeping, as well as room and board in exchange for work at queen rearing and other farm work.   You will learn to set up “swarm box” queen cell starters, queen right cell finishers, queen mating nucs, graft larvae into queen cups, catch, mark and bank queens, ship queens, handle orders, build equipment, repair equipment, do splits (make new colonies), catch swarms, remove bees from houses, and many other aspects of running an apiary.  You will have access to an awesome library of bee books and access to my discussion of any aspect of bees or beekeeping that you would like.  Other work that needs to be done around the house and farm will include some construction, some feeding of the livestock and some general cleanup and maintenance.  The room is in a beautiful solid brick house built in 1895. It is five thousand square feet and has 11 people living in it currently.  I need someone from now until September 2017.  My schedule is that I work full time off the farm, Monday through Thursday and do instruction and beekeeping Friday through Sunday.  I would like someone who would put in 40 hours a week with three days of that work week, Friday through Sunday, when I am available.  This is an unpaid position.

If you are interested in the beekeeping apprenticeship, please contact Michael Bush at  A summary of experience and skills would be helpful in the determination process.  No particular skills are required but many skills in other areas would be useful.

The farm is at 1603 Pollard Drive, Nehawka, Nebraska 68413.

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