Aspen Moon Farm Internship in Colorado

aspen moon farm

Aspen Moon Farm Internship in Colorado for the 2021 Season

Aspen Moon Farm Internship: 

We will hire 4 or more interns for 2021.

The mission of Aspen Moon Farm is to feed as many people as much high-quality delicious nutritious organic and biodynamic local food as possible; while continuing to build active soil-life through crop rotation, livestock rotation, and on-farm composting.

A little About Us:

Aspen Moon Farm is located in Longmont and Niwot, CO 80503 (near Boulder). Owners Jason and Erin started Aspen Moon Farm as a small family farm in 2009 with 3 young children in tow.  The Farm has grown little by little into what is now quite a prominent part of the local community.  It is now the team of all Aspen Moon staff (aka Family) that makes the Farm rock-n-roll.  Every person along with their dedication and attention to detail is an essential part of the day to day success of the Farm.  Aspen Moon is the steward for a total of 99 acres, of which about 25 is cultivated in crops.  We currently have a 900+ member CSA, a lively seasonal outdoor roadside Farmstand, and plan to attend a weekly Saturday Farmers Market in Boulder (we used to do 3 markets/week pre-covid).  This is a lot and takes a significant amount of organizing and flexibility, and requires a significant amount of administrative work by owners Jason and Erin.  The Farm is a combination of owned and leased land; 36 acres are located in Hygiene where the intern houses are and 63 are about 20 minutes away in Niwot (connected to a Waldorf School).  The students come to participate in the Farm some in the Fall and we are continuing to develop this relationship with the school.  All of our crops are started from seeds we plant.  We grow some of our own seeds and then plant those seeds for the full cycle of life!   We grow and sell certified organic starter plants to gardeners in the Spring, continuing the season with great diversity of veggie crops including berries, and finishing up the Fall heavy with storage crops including our own heirloom cornmeal, popcorn, and heritage wheat.  We love to farm and are passionate about being part of growing the local food community.  We are dedicated to the Biodynamic method.  We have been small business owners for over 17 years (previously we did landscaping and building).   We farm because we love it, but also because we have the need and desire to have a profitable business.  This is important and provides sustainability.  Our goal is for interns to observe the entire operation of a small farm from, the more obvious- plant and crop care, to the less obvious:  marketing, record-keeping, management, trouble-shooting, adapting to a seasonal schedule, and the occasional harvesting into the cold darkening hours before a big storm.  Interns may not be directly involved in all aspects of the farm work, but will be present to see everything.  Every year we have some great returning staff and we have learned that it is the WHOLE family of staff along with a positive working environment that makes the Farm awesome. 

Aspen Moon Farm Internship Description: 

Intern positions at Aspen Moon Farm are meant for those wishing to pursue a career in farming.  Those interested in hobby gardening will not fit this position.  Previous farm experience is preferred.  This is serious work and demands a person who is strong in physical body, mind, and spirit. Physical demands are high and involve long hours of work in all kinds of weather including rain, snow, wind, and dry heat; sometimes with prevalent mosquitoes too.  To be immersed in the whole Farm for an entire season is truly an exceptional experience and is the only true way to get a taste for the life of farming. You will come to appreciate weather, soil, water, and work in entirely new ways.  You will live and breathe the FARM!!  Expect to be challenged! Interns are expected to arrive ready to work with appropriate attire and the means to meet other personal needs (health insurance, phone, computer, transportation, boots and gear for working in all weather, food other than farm produce, etc…).  No partners or pets can be accommodated and no tobacco use is permitted.  A one-month trial period will be followed by an evaluation to see if this is a good fit for both you and the farm.  Work weeks will be 5-6 days of 8-11 hours plus Farmers Market on some Saturdays.  Daily farm chores, such as animal care and opening hoophouses may be additional work.  We hope to provide a weekly catered lunch (pending due to covid conditions) for the staff made by a local chef using primarily produce from our farm.  This helps to nourish our whole AMF team while we are giving so much in time and labor.

The primary work of a first year intern involves Spring plant care and greenhouse work, harvesting, rotating livestock care, preparing for CSA and markets, field work with hand tools, BD fertility and pest management, and helping manage the roadside Farm stand.  After completing a year as an intern at Aspen Moon Farm, one may apply for a second year of employment as an Apprentice (which would involve more in-depth training in machine work, seeding, and irrigation) OR as a crew leader (which involves some management and record keeping).

A typical midsummer work week for interns is M-F with some Saturday markets:

  • Mondays-harvest, harvest, harvest for CSA
  • Tuesday-Thursday: pack CSA shares, afternoon field work, and rotating schedule of working afternoon CSA distribution along with running the roadside Farm Stand.
  • Fridays- Harvest what is left for Saturday market, field work, and plan for next week’s CSA
  • Saturdays- rotating schedule of working Farmers Market 5/6am-3/4pm (includes load and unload time)- Additional compensation for all Saturdays worked.

Please note:  We follow allow current covid protocols including mask wearing, social distancing, handwashing, and sanitizing.  All employees are required to follow all policies. 


 We have 4 openings for full-time interns with on-farm housing, farm produce and eggs when available, plus $1400-$1600/month; raises are based on work performance.  Additional income is provided for Saturdays worked (some are required, but it is always an option for extra pay).  Intern housing includes your own bedroom in house with shared kitchen, bath, and living space.  The house is lightly furnished with bed, dresser or shelves, couch, and basic kitchen items.   We also offer a 4 month winter internship that you may inquire about.

Qualifications required:

  • Must be able to commit to the full season of March/April- November.
  • Agricultural experience, preferably with vegetable production
  • Must have the ability to work long hours in all kinds of weather and to be able to lift 50lb.+
  • Must be interested in pursuing a career in agriculture
  • Must be able to work closely with a team and do well with this and be independently motivated during non-work hours.
  • Must be interested in and willing to jump in and contribute to all aspects of farming, which is the best way to learn about it all too.
  • An ability to pace one’s self, working faster when the job requires speed, is a plus

To Apply for an Aspen Moon Farm Internship:

Please send Jason Griffith and Erin Dreistadt ( a resume, at least 3 work references, and respond to the following questions:

  1. Have you worked on a farm? (if your answer is no, please describe any applicable work experience and explain why you think you would be a good farmer)
  2. Describe your farm work experience and list your set of skills.
  3. What will you contribute to our farm?
  4. What do you hope to gain from your internship experience?
  5. When things get hard, what do you do to take care of yourself?
  6. What is Biodynamic agriculture to you?
  7. Tell us something about yourself that you would like to share.
  8. Full legal name, contact information, and birthday.

Thank you for your interest in Aspen Moon Farm!

Jason Griffith and Erin Dreistadt


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