Apprenticeships on two Urban Farms in Philadelphia for 2010 Growing Season

Weavers Way Seeks Two Apprentices for 2010 Farming Season

Weavers Way is currently seeking two apprentices to work on our farming projects in Northwest Philadelphia. The farm sites consist of a two acre market farm, and a three acre CSA. The farms are run through Weavers Way Coop, a 3,600 member, community-owned market with locations in Mt Airy, West Oak Lane and Chestnut Hill. Apprentices will be expected to work 40-55 hours per week, depending on the time of the season, which runs March 29th to mid-November. Each apprentice will focus their time at one of the two sites. We offer a $100 weekly stipend, produce from the farm, coop membership, and housing with a local family if needed. Both positions offer experience with small scale, diversified organic vegetable production and the opportunity to develop skills in greenhouse production, season extension, pest management, planting, weeding, harvesting, marketing, and volunteer management. To learn more about each farm click 'Read More' Below

Mort Brooks Memorial Farm Apprenticeship

Located at the Awbury Arboretum, the Mort Brooks Memorial Farm is a diverse vegetable operation growing over 200 varieties of vegetables, as well as herbs, flowers and berries on 2 acres. Produce from the farm is marketed year round through two farmers markets, at the three coop stores and at several restaurants in Northwest Philadelphia.  The apprentice will work directly with the farm manager and will gain experience in growing and selling at farmers markets and in marketing to restaurants and wholesale locations. In addition to production, the farm also provides volunteer opportunities for members of the community. The apprentice will work with and manage coop members who come to volunteer on a daily basis. The site is also a host for the education programs of our affiliated non-profit, Weavers Way Community Programs.

Henry Got Crops! CSA Apprenticeship

“Henry Got Crops!” is co-managed by Weavers Way staff working closely with students and teachers from Saul High School of Agriculture.  The farm not only brings food to the community, but also serves as an educational opportunity for students at Saul. It is a 3 acre farm, located right on campus, and teachers and their classes come out on a regular basis to learn about and partake in small scale, organic vegetable growing. This is one of the first high school-based CSAs in the country. As the busiest time of year for farming coincides with the high school’s summer vacation, the farm hires students and provides summer work opportunities.  2009 was the first season and there were 55 shares.  For the 2010 season the CSA will expand to 80 shares.  Apprentices will work closely with the two farm managers and gain experience in running a CSA and working with high school students multiple times a week.

Both positions are great opportunities for hands on experience with urban farming, yet each offer different educational experiences. Visit for more information on the farms and coop. Please send resume and cover letter to Weavers Way Farm, 559 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, PA 19119 or by e-mail to We are accepting applications through January 19th, 2010. Please indicate which position(s) you are applying for. Interviews will be conducted in February. We will also be hiring for 2 summer internship positions, which offer a similar educational experience. These positions are for a shorter duration with no stipend, but still include vegetables and housing with a local family if needed. Check the Weavers Way website for updates.


Some prior experience in gardening or agriculture preferred. Must be at least 18 years old. Must have a good sense of humor, strong work ethic and willingness to get dirty as well as an ability and desire to work with and supervise volunteers of all ages and abilities. You should be able to work under adverse conditions (heat, humidity, cold, rain) and be able to lift 50 lbs, preferably at the same time.

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