Antioch University (Los Angeles) Announces New M.A. and Certificate Programs in Urban Sustainability to Begin Fall 2010

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CULVER CITY, CA - March 15, 2010 - Antioch University Los Angeles today announced the launch of a new Master of Arts in Urban Sustainability program as well as a Certificate in Urban Sustainability. This revolutionary, national low-residency program will provide graduate level study in urban ecosystem science, urban planning and policy, activism and advocacy, urban environmental education, program evaluation, conflict resolution and mediation, sustainable practice, and research methods. Applications are now being accepted for the historic first cohort, and the first residency begins in October during AULA's Fall 2010 semester.

AULA’s new Master of Arts in Urban Sustainability grew organically in response to the increasing awareness of interconnectivity among environmental, economic and social issues. The innovative new interdisciplinary graduate and certificate programs offer a unique structure to prepare well-informed scholars, community leaders and activists to advocate for sustainable urban policy and social change in the face of the growing global environmental crisis.

“In keeping with our long tradition of innovation in progressive education and serving community needs of the day, AULA is proud to launch this pioneering new graduate program” stated Dr. Neal King, President of Antioch University Los Angeles.

Dr. King added, “Heralded by the Clinton Global Initiative/ University (CGI/U) for having originated in collaboration and consultation with the diverse and multifaceted environmental communities of Southern California, AULA’s new Urban Sustainability programs will wed the highest quality academic foundation with intensive engagement in the field.”

The 36 credit graduate program is a unique low-residency model that will immerse students in a place-based context, foster a systems-thinking approach, and promote community engagement throughout the course of study. Antioch University Los Angeles students and faculty will engage in dialog and critical review of relevant scholarly literature and research about sustainability issues, expand their environmental literacy, think critically about social, economic, and political strategies and the effects of rapid change on urban and global communities, and consider the policies and practices required to ensure economic, social and environmental justice.

Inspired by the work of pioneering educator Horace Mann, Antioch University is a vital, vocal advocate for higher education that promotes the common good, prizes experience, and draws on the strength of a diverse academic community. In addition, Antioch University Los Angeles has a long-standing, deeply-rooted commitment to promoting various forms of justice in the community.

“The consequences of climate change and unsustainable communities will fall largely to the most disadvantaged and disenfranchised citizens and will exacerbate pre-existing imbalances of social and economic well being,” said Donald Strauss, Interim Chair of the M.A. in Urban Sustainability program. “AULA has a responsibility to demonstrate its own citizenship by providing education for those who seek to mitigate these imbalances through advocacy for change in practice and policy.”

Antioch University Los Angeles is now accepting applications for the M.A. in Urban Sustainability and the Certificate in Urban Sustainability programs. For more information, please call 1-310-578-1080 x100 or email

More information on these brand new degree and certificate programs can be found online at or

For more information, please contact Joanna Gerber, Director of Public Relations for Antioch University Los Angeles at or at (310) 578-1080 x119.

Joanna Gerber
Antioch University Los Angeles
400 Corporate Pointe
Culver City, CA 90230
Phone: 310.578.1080 x119

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