Americorps VISTA Jobs at Sustainable Food Center – Austin,TX

Sustainable Food Center is recruiting to fill several positions through the Americorps*VISTA program.  Please see below for brief descriptions of the two (2) separate listings, for the Sprouting Healthy Communities Project and for the Grow Local Education Coordinator.  Full details are posted to the Sustainable Food Center blog at

1) Sprouting Healthy Communities Project; Americorps*VISTA Positions (3 positions)

Position Description

The VISTA will work through underserved middle and elementary schools in Austin to develop, support, and facilitate school wellness teams consisting of parents, teachers, and community leaders. VISTA will lead the teams in the planning and implementation phases of a comprehensive school and community-based nutrition program, with a focus on local food systems efforts such as local food in cafeterias, community and school gardening, healthy cooking classes, and the Marathon Kids physical activity program. Candidate must be fluent in Spanish and pass a written and oral fluency interview.

Resumes accepted until July 16, 2010.  Position begins August 2, 2010.


2) Grow Local Education Coordinator; AmeriCorps*VISTA Position

Position Description

The Grow Local Education Coordinator AmeriCorps*VISTA will create a class management system that integrates Citizen Gardener trainings and restructures SFC’s existing classes into a train-the-trainer program. The VISTA will also assist with implementation and administration of these classes and trainings, as well as assist with the development and implementation of trainings for class facilitators.

Resumes accepted until July 16, 2010. Position begins August 2, 2010.

2 Comments on Americorps VISTA Jobs at Sustainable Food Center – Austin,TX

  1. I want to know how can I apply for the possition of Grow Local Education Coordinator.


    Johana Cordova Dyess

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