Event: Alabama Food and Farm Forum

The Alabama Sustainable Agriculture Network presents its 4th Annual Alabama Food and Farm Forum

building the bridge to a sustainable future

Wallace State Community College, Selma, AL -- December  2-4, 2010

Bringing together all those who produce and/or hunger for abundant and really good local food, the Forum will include
  • local farm tours
  • practical workshops
  • inspiring speakers
  • a youth in agriculture track
  • sessions on community wealth creation, farm and food policy, energy, and sustainable farming innovations
  • an open-mike session
  • Dirt! The Movie
  • Our traditional All-Alabama Dinner-Fest on Friday night featuring honored guest Amelia Boynton Robinson

Registration costs:

$25 bus tour (includes lunch); $50 for Friday and Saturday sessions or $25 for a single day; $10 Saturday youth registration; $25 for each additional Friday dinner ticket

registration includes lunch and dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch on Saturday

A limited number of scholarships are available for beginning, limited-resource, socially-disadvantaged, and organic farmers and advocates. Scholarship applications are due by November 22!

More information at

Questions? Want to reserve a display space? Call us at 205-789-5934.

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