UN Expert: Agroecological Farming Methods Being Ignored

According to an article in the June 28th issue of The Ecologist Online, Olivier De Schutter, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food has criticized the ‘Green Revolution’ and the reductionism of the techno-scientific agricultural paradigm. De Schutter Spoke at a summit on agroecology,  a term which dates from the 1970’s, and refers to diverse agricultural systems “which make use of regionally available renewable inputs and ecological and structural features of the agricultural field, fallows and surrounding vegetation…” to manage resources other than the ‘target’ crop (Altieri, 1987). According to the article De Schutter decried the lack of respect that agroecology has gained within the scientific and development communities, noting that its methods “have been shown to improve food production and farmers’ incomes, while at the same time protecting the soil, water, and climate”.

To read the Ecologist article click HERE

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