Agriculture Funding Bill and More News

Agriculture Funding Bill

The latest news from the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) includes an update on the latest Agriculture Funding Bill, the Agriculture Appropriations Process, and information about the proposed relocation of ERS and NIFA.


Appropriations Committee Sends Agriculture Funding Bill to House Floor

The committee debated and advanced their Agriculture Appropriations bill for fiscal year (FY) 2020. The agriculture funding bill passed in Committee 29-21 along party lines, and will now be sent to the floor of the full House for consideration. There’s still a long road ahead for Congress to get final FY 2020 agriculture funding bill finalized and signed into law by the President in advance of the upcoming September 30 deadline.READ MORE 

RELEASE: House Appropriators Advance FY 2020 Agriculture Spending Bill

The House Appropriations Committee passed their fiscal year (FY) 2020 Agriculture Appropriations bill, sending it to the House floor for a vote in the weeks ahead. NSAC applauds appropriators for advancing an FY 2020 bill that meets or exceeds all of the coalition’s top funding priorities including language that would prohibit the Administration from moving forward with a plan to relocate ERS and NIFA, but we recognize that major hurdles remain to securing final FY 2020 funding levels.READ MORE  


USDA Research Agencies Needed in Washington to Serve Farmers and Policy-Makers

Congress hosted its second hearing on the proposed relocation of USDA ERS and NIFA. The issue is raising serous concern among the agriculture and research communities, as well as a growing number of Members of Congress, who have introduced legislation in both chambers that would stop the move. Three witnesses testified at the hearing – all in opposition to the proposed relocation that would undoubtedly impact farmers, consumers, and trade – at a time American farmers can ill-afford.READ MORE


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