Agricultural Internship, Apprenticeship on Connecticut Organic Farm
Agricultural Internship/Apprenticeship Opportunity at Devon Point Organic Farm in Woodstock, Connecticut
An Organic Vegetable & Flower CSA Farm Share Program & Grassfed Beef Cattle Farm
The daily farm routine: The daily routine is Monday – Friday, up at 5:30 a.m. a hearty breakfast and then outside by 6:30 a.m. Saturdays are a lighter work day or possibly a farmers market day. On a daily basis, there’s routine chores like caring for chickens, moving cattle through rotational grazing pastures, and all the components of running the CSA like starting seeds, planting, weeding, harvesting, setting up produce displays for the share members, cutting flowers and making bouquets. We like to do the field work from 6 to noon and the if it’s hot take an afternoon siesta or run off to a nearby pond for a swim, then finish up with any evening chores and a great meal.
Special learning components for interns: Interns get a special learning opportunity about all the “behind-the-scenes” aspects of farm business management – all aspects of running a profitable and sustainable farm business including but not limited to understanding the farm’s bookkeeping, financial planning and management, grant writing, and the holistic approach animal and crop production planning. Also cattle herd management, our breeding philosophy, grassfed beef production, marketing and processing, grazing rotation planning, as well as overall herd health management. Also all aspects of the business management of organic vegetable and flower farm operations will be shared including field crop planning, equipment and supply decisions, product marketing and promotion, customer relationship management, as well as day-to-day operations management.
Housing available: For the right intern, we have room and board available. We have a brand-new house with very nice accommodations – a big room upstairs with a great view of a pond frequented by ducks and geese and the cows grazing in the fields beyond. A private bathroom shared only with other interns. Your “off time” (typically Sundays) would be your own and we would encourage you to explore the area and can set up other farm visits to round out your experience. We also have a boat and like to go weekly to the ocean for fishing and beach time – interns would be welcome to join us on the boat or get dropped off on a beach or at a scenic coastal town like Mystic for a day of shopping and sightseeing.
Stipend: We do not pay interns for their work as this is a volunteer learning experience, but we do provide $800 per month for living expenses plus room and board.
The right candidate: We are only looking for dedicated, honest, hard working, down-to-earth, positive, teachable, fun-loving, clean-cut appearance, non-smoking and English-speaking, applicants. Like any experience, you will get out of it what you put into it. Our season runs from April to October. Apprentice positions are for most or all of the season (April – October) and Intern positions are shorter in duration typically from 1 – 3 month positions. Limited transportation may be arranged. Length of stay is negotiable depending on the circumstances. Interviews are conducted in January, February and March.
To Apply: Interested applicants may e-mail us at with a brief description of yourself, a resume, what interests you about our farm business, what you would like to get out of your stay, how long you would like to stay with us, your related experience/background/education.
Contact us: Website: www.devonpointfarm. Phone: 860-974-9004. Email:
I am thirsty to participate in this program during the summer
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