Action on Food Safety Bill (Local and Organic)

Take Action: Rescue Local/Organic Farming from One-Size-Fits-All Food Safety Bill!

From Organic Consumers Association:

The U.S. Senate is expected to vote on a sweeping overhaul of the food safety laws very soon – possibly as early as next week.  While the bill seeks to improve food safety, as it is currently written, S. 510 will actually make our food less safe.  S. 510 will strengthen the forces that have led to the consolidation of our food supply in the hands of a few industrial food producers, while harming small producers who give consumers the choice to buy fresh, healthy, local foods.

Please contact your Senators NOW to urge them to amend or oppose the bill!

Congress needs to solve the real problems – chemical-intensive agriculture, factory farms, industrialized and centralized food production and distribution, and often tainted imported foods – and not regulate organic and small farms out of business.  S. 510 is a “one-size-fits-all” approach that will unnecessarily burden both farmers and small-scale food processors, ultimately depriving consumers of the choice to buy from producers they know and trust.

Learn more & Take Action

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