A Way of Life Farm Apprenticeship – NC

A Way of Life Farm is Offering Apprenticeship Positions for 2019 in North Carolina!
Get your hands (and everything else) dirty while learning to grow really good food! A Way of Life Farm is accepting Apprenticeship applications for the 2019 season. A Way of Life Farm has the fosters healthy people, healthy economy, and healthy ecology through food production. With a crew of two farmers, four apprentices, two children, and extended family, we grow Certified Organic vegetables, strawberries, and blueberries, as well as pasture-raised pork for sale to farmers’ market and CSA customers. This commercial production is integral to a broader permaculture design and land revitalization, which includes the development of fruit and nut orchards (persimmon, pawpaw, muscadines, chestnuts, pecans, and apples).
Visit our website’s “work opportunities” page for even more information and an application for the apprenticeship position! https://awayoflifefarm.com/A_Way_of_Life_Farm/Work_Opportunities.html
Farming really is a way of life and it is truly meaningful work! Apprentices take part in various aspects of the farm from vegetable seed to harvest, livestock chores, marketing, perennials, and infrastructure projects, but should expect to spend the vast majority of time growing vegetables. We aim to offer information and skills that will build your confidence toward managing a farm. As the season progresses, apprentices are given increased responsibilities and areas of focus around the farm. Apprentices work 40-50 hours/week. We respect your time and life away from the farm, trying our best to stick to a pre-arranged daily schedule. Positions start as early as March and can continue through December and beyond, with a minimum 9-month commitment desired. If it’s a good fit, we encourage apprentices to come back for another season with increased responsibilities and pay.
Compensation includes $700/month starting stipend, housing, food from the farm, and a priceless education!
A Way of Life Farm Apprentices say:
“I had a truly transformative experience working with Jamie and Sara Jane at A Way of Life Farm…I genuinely feel like I couldn’t have gone through this experience with better mentors. Jaime and Sara Jane are both incredibly knowledgeable and patient teachers…It in incredible to think back on my first days on the farm and the transformation that has occurred. I have learned so many of the technical skills and basic knowledge to help jump start my farming career, but even more importantly I have a greater sense of drive to achieve my goals after experiencing what life as an organic farmer is really like.”
“My apprenticeship with A Way of Life prepared me to go from very little formal farming experience, to the job I have now: running a farm with a 180-member sliding-scale CSA… A Way of Life farmers, Sara Jane and Jamie Davis, dedicate themselves to educating their apprentices. I’ve never seen a farm achieve such a balance between maintaining financial stability while also continuing to deepen ecological practices. My apprenticeship gave me both the hard skills and the inspiration to farm in a way that is both idealistic and realistic.”
Read more A Way of Life Farm apprentice and customer references at https://organicgrowersschool.org/farm/a-way-of-life-farm/
Learn more about farming and food jobs and internships, or how to post a job, internship, or apprenticeship opportunity on beginningfarmers.org by visiting https://www.beginningfarmers.org/internship-and-employment-opportunities/
Find additional farming resources at https://www.beginningfarmers.org/additional-farming-resources/
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