A Roundup of Articles from Roots of Change

Roots of Change Roots of Change (ROC) believes that the best way to make the food system sustainable is to connect and support the people and parts within the system that have the knowledge, roles, relationships and commitments required to successfully manage a rapid transformation.

Congress starts to work early on 2012 Farm Bill – An early hearing held by the House Committee signals possible big changes for farmers.

Little City Gardens – A micro business model aims to educate consumers while directly providing healthy foods for San Francisco.

Nitrate contamination spreading in California communities – California’s water supply suffers from longterm use of fertilizer.

Composting: It’s Easy and Awesome for the Environment – Save money and reduce your carbon footprint by learning easy techniques to properly compost.

Farmers Cope with Roundup-Resistant Weeds – A new type of super weed emerges posing a risk for farmers- may cause lower crop yields, rising costs and higher food prices.

Farms as revenue-producing attractions – The rising popularity in agro-tourism adds a profitable dimension for the farming sector as well as fun for the general public.

Alice Waters’ push for local, organic setting national agenda – Her controversial influence on the food movement: from school district to Washington.

Farmland and Food: Re-Connected – More people are making the connection between food (local or otherwise) and the necessity of farmland protection.

How to start a Crop Mob – A new type of collaboration between farmers; a “Crop Mob” creating community through shared work and shared meals.

Uniting the State of the Food Movement – A personal view from ROC President Michael Dimock about the WK Kellogg Foundation Food & Commmunity Conference addressing issues of a healthy food and agriculture system.

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