Mushroomology & Wild Fermentation/Acorn Workshops – NY State

10.30.10 Mushroomology With Skotty Kellogg Mushrooms are not just delicious and medicinal, they are a very low maintenance perennial crop, a mushroom log can produce for up to five years with minimum care. We will learn several growing techniques and everyone will go home with their own logs. Dress warm, bring a bagged lunch and snacks and be prepared to do some work. To register:

10.31.10 Cider Vinegar, Lactofermentation & Acorn Flour Delicacies with Gianni Ortiz & David DeLozier Used for hundreds of years as a daily tonic, apple cider vinegar is easy to make and provides many benefits. Often referred to as the Original Gatorade, it also offers many natural protective properties against viral and bacterial infections. Come learn how to make your own in addition lacto-fermented veggies and how to process and cook with our delicious native staple – oak acorn – used in puddings, breads, pie crusts, chili, etc… For Native Americans having an ample store of acorns was the equivalent of having an insurance policy to get through the winter and this year there was a bumper crop. To register:

Both workshops are in Chatham Village and are 10am-4pm.

For a complete listing of FarmAssist Productions workshops, events and lectures go to:

Mushrooms are not just delicious and medicinal, they are a very low maintenance perennial crop

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