Jobs and Internships in Urban Farming, St. Louis

Gateway Greening is recruiting for a Community Outreach Educator. Apply now.

Summary of the Position:

The roving horticulturist will be responsible for conducting on-going site trainings both basic and advanced, repeating the trainings as necessary at community, school, and institutional gardens. Position must be experienced in building relationships with diverse groups; and have strong raised bed vegetable production and hoop house maintenance experience. Ability to trouble shoot a wide variety of group gardening issues. Understanding of evaluation process required with ability to track results and document project progress.

Gateway Greening AmeriCorps VISTA Openings

Gateway Greening is recruiting for full-time AmeriCorps VISTA positions to support its programs. Contact us for more information about the AmeriCorps VISTA online application process. To apply, go to

City Seeds Urban Farm AmeriCorps VISTA Member – 2 Openings

Description: Seeking 2 full-time Americorps VISTA members to assist in coordinating a 2.5 acre farm in downtown St. Louis that employs chronically homeless individuals that commonly suffer from dual-diagnosis mental illness and substance abuse. The member will coordinate farm logistics, increase farm production, enhance food distribution and program awareness and increased market sales and lead farm clients in therapuetic, education and job training activities.

Community Garden Outreach AmeriCorps VISTA Member

Description: The member supports the development of services to food producing community/school gardens in the St. Louis area through GGI programming. This includes the coordination of educational opportunities (how to grow vegetables, nutrition, and leadership) for community/school gardens, database tracking, fine tuning GGI programs/evaluation tools, and promotion of local/national food security and best practices. Tasks include organizing planning meetings, visiting garden groups and sites, assessing and monitoring community garden hubs, construction and installation of gardens and hubs, and overall logistics.

To Apply

AmeriCorps VISTA members receive a living stipend and are required to make a 1-3 year commitment to the VISTA project. Contact Mara Higdon, Program Director, at 314-588-9600 x22 for more information. All applicants must go to to apply and search for Gateway Greening.

Internships & Practicums

General opportunities exist with community gardens, school gardens and City Seeds Urban Farm. Interns to assist with photography, graphic design and online communications are also needed.

For information about internship opportunities, please contact Hannah Reinhart, Community Development Coordinator, at 314-588-9600 x28 for more information.

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

1 Comment on Jobs and Internships in Urban Farming, St. Louis

  1. I’m a high school Counselor that is trying to find places in the St. Louis Community where our boys could do volunteer service work. The date we’re looking at is Tuesday May 14th from approx. 9 – 12. Please let me know if we could be of any assistance.

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