Urban Farm Internships in Texas

urban farm internships

Hope Farms Urban Farm Internships in Houston, Texas – 2020

Come learn and experience the joys and power of urban farming! The Hope Farms Urban Farm Internships are a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience working on a sustainable urban farm while supporting the Recipe for Success Foundation’s mission of providing affordable fresh produce to Houstonians marooned in a food dessert. Hope Farms offers a limited number of internships each semester (Fall/Spring/Summer) to college students or post graduates who are knowledgeable about horticulture and passionate about urban agriculture, food systems and organic methods and are in search of a dynamic, on-farm experience. Each summer, we expand the opportunity to high-school students who are simply passionate about our work and willing to work hard.
The Hope Farm Internship is a unique position that offers the dynamic opportunity to gain experience and diverse skills in sustainable agriculture. Working directly with the Farm Manager and Manager of Farmer Training, interns are involved in all aspects of the farm:
1. Seeding, planting; cultivation; pest, and weed management; irrigation; compost systems; harvest and post-harvest handling; quality control; sales and distribution.
2. Supporting on-site farm stand, CSA program, restaurant sales and deliveries, in addition to community markets utilizing the mobile Rolling Green Market.
3. Raising poultry for egg production and managing bee hives for honey production.
4. Supporting group volunteer work days and site maintenance.

1. Passion and fundamental belief in the importance of food access and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables as a critical part of a healthy diet.
2. Understanding that obesity and other diet-related illnesses are ravaging communities and impact not only overall quality of life but also the vitality and health of the social and economic systems; and that equitable access to affordable produce can play a critical role in transforming the health and well being of children, adults and society at large.
3. Deeply held belief in the power of food to build healthy communities.

If you are ready for the challenge and satisfaction of growing and providing nutritious food to our community, we encourage you to apply for a scholarship.

Frequently internships lead to full-time and part time jobs at Hope Farms.  For more information see www.HopeFarmsHTX.org 
To Apply for Hope Farms Urban Farm Internships:  https://tinyurl.com/vn3sj5y 

Launched in the Fall of 2016, Hope Farms is a complementary and critical layer to expand Recipe for Success Foundation’s mission to teach, empower and inspire healthy eating by addressing community health in a powerful and fundamental way. 7-acres in the Sunnyside neighborhood of Houston, Texas–just 10 minutes from downtown, the farm serves as a valuable resource for local residents and the city at large by providing access to fresh produce, nutrition education programs, field to table dinners and other harvest celebrations, a community garden and formal job training and business incubation for new urban farmers. For more information about the fun portfolio of Recipe for Success programs, see www.recipe4success.org


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