Sustainable Crop Production for Beginners

sustainable crop production for beginners
Sustainable Crop Production for Beginners – A New Course From the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project in Massachusetts
Would you like to be a part of sustainable agriculture but have never worked on a farm? Are you interested in owning your own sustainable farm business but need to learn technical skills to get started?
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project introduces a new course on sustainable crop production for beginners.

The sustainable crop production for beginners course will teach you everything need to know to get started in sustainable commercial vegetable production, with no experience necessary! This is a pilot production for aspiring sustainable farmers who want to implement innovative conservation practices from day one of their farming careers. Industry experts will present hands-on classes in the evening at our farm in Dracut with special emphasis on emerging and innovative sustainable practices. You will enjoy presentations from conservation leaders in the agricultural industry and from state and federal agencies. This course will cover all aspects of commercial vegetable production including:

• Propagation and the Greenhouse Environment
• Soil Preparation for Field-based Crop Production
• Drip Irrigation Systems and Conservation Best-practices
• Low-impact Weed Control Strategies
• Nutrient Management: A Sustainable Approach
• Pest Prevention and Control Techniques
• Harvest and Post-Harvest Best-practices
• Using and Maintaining Farm Tools
• Sustainable Whole-farm Planning

Completion of this course satisfies prerequisites for entry into our Farm Business Planning Course, during which you will develop a complete business plan for your farm before moving onto our incubator and launching your own business!

Sustainable Crop Production for Beginners Course Details:

This sustainable crop production for beginners course meets for 10 Tuesdays from 6-9pm from April 17 through Sept 25, 2018 at the New Entry farm at 100 Jones Ave and 300 Jones Ave in Dracut, MA. The course fee is $600 which can be paid in up to 3 installments of $200. If the cost is a barrier for you, scholarships of $80-$400 are available depending on your financial need. Register at the New Entry Sustainable Farming Project using

Juliette Enfield
Curriculum Coordinator
New Entry Sustainable Farming Project
978-654-6745 ext. 106

This course is made possible by a Conservation Innovation Grant provided by the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, which is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


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