Organic Farmer-in-Residence position at MOFGA in Maine

Organic Farmer-in-Residence position at Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA) Application deadline October 15, 2011  MOFGA's Farmer-in-Residence (F.I.R.) Program offers aspiring farmers committed to organic agriculture and public outreach the opportunity to live and farm at MOFGA's Common Ground Education Center in Unity, Maine. Farmers-in-Residence participate in MOFGA's Journeyperson Program, which gives new and aspiring organic farmers access to the land, resources, and support they need to establish successful farm enterprises.

MOFGA’s property in Unity encompasses 250+ acres in predominantly agricultural Waldo County. In addition to hosting the Common Ground Country Fair every September, the land is home to MOFGA’s staff offices, a number of livestock barns, an exhibition hall, and an ecologically-designed farmhouse. The F.I.R. journeypersons have access to the farmhouse to use as a dwelling and headquarters for their farming activities. They also have access to MOFGA’s agricultural resource base with which to establish and develop their own farm businesses.

Potential opportunities include:

  • 2 acres of flat, irrigable, certified organic sandy loam for market gardening or row crop production (with the potential for off-site expansion)
  • orchard management
  • nursery crop production
  • grass-based livestock production
  • woodlot management and forest products
  • maple syrup production
  • organic seed production, breeding, and variety selection
  • value-added processing
  • winter vegetable production in a 2150 square foot unheated, movable greenhouse.

F.I.R. Journeypersons have a wide choice of the particular farming methods or techniques that they wish to use, provided that they comply with organic standards. Journeypersons in residence at MOFGA receive an annual stipend of $3,000 and are entitled to the proceeds from the sale of any farm products they raise or make. F.I.R. Journeypersons are expected to provide 16 hours of assistance each month with landscaping and grounds maintenance in addition to their own farming activities. The position generally lasts for 2 years, with the possibility of a mutually-agreed-upon extension.

MOFGA Farmer-in-Residence qualifications:

  • A minimum of one full season of practical experience in an organic farming system and a demonstrable commitment to pursuing organic agriculture as a career, preferably in Maine.
  • An entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Strong communication skills and willingness to engage with interested visitors to MOFGA, both on a continuous, informal basis and at various special events hosted by MOFGA throughout the year. Those with a strong need for privacy are discouraged from applying.
  • Intellectual curiosity and a commitment to active and semi-structured learning under the supervision of MOFGA’s Educational Programs Director.
  • Kindness, creativity, flexibility, a strong work ethic, and a good sense of humor.

Meet the current Farmers in Residence

Details about MOFGA’s agricultural resources

To Apply: use the application forms on the main JP page

This program runs on a 2-year cycle. The next application deadline is October 15, 2011

F.I.R. Applicants are strongly encouraged to visit the farm before applying.

For more information, email Andrew Marshall, Educational Programs Director, or call 207-568-4142.

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