32nd Annual Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association Conference

When: February 19-20, 2011 Where: Granville Middle and High Schools, Granville, OH Why: This year’s event will feature keynote speakers Joan Dye Gussow and Klaas and Mary-Howell Martens. Plus over 70 informative, hands-on workshops; a trade show; a fun and educational kids’ conference; locally-sourced and organic homemade meals; a child care area; and Saturday evening entertainment.

Workshop topics including: Season extension, growing brambles, dairy farming, pastured livestock and poultry, maple syruping, hiring and managing farm employees, cover crops, renewable energy, farm insurance, agriculture policy and activism, weed control, growing mushrooms, growing and marketing grains, school gardens, farm recordkeeping, growing garlic, meat goats, homemade dyes, farm to school, eating seasonally, green building, pest management, business branding, pricing for profitability, organic apple growing, beekeeping, ecological parenting, flower production, mob grazing, internet marketing, soil fertility, and food co-ops. Upcoming details on workshops are coming soon,

Pre-Conference: This year’s event will also feature a one-day pre-conference titled The ABCs of CSAs. This workshop will provide guidance for farmers interested in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) including information on the challenges and benefits of CSAs, planning, record-keeping, membership recruitment and management, and more. The pre-conference will take place on Friday, February 18 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Granville, Ohio.

Additional Features: The conference will also feature a kid’s conference offering a variety of exciting workshops for children ages 6-12; a playroom for children under 6; a book signing by Joan Dye Gussow and The Contrary Farmer, Gene Logsdon; an exhibit hall offering an interesting array of information, products, services and resources that relate to sustainable agriculture; a non-denominational Sunday service; and Saturday evening entertainment provided by the Back Porch Swing Band.


  • Full Adult Conference Registration $90 members/$130 non-members
  • Full Student Conference Registration $55 member/480 non-member
  • Saturday Only $65 member/$90 non-member
  • Sunday Only $65 member/$90 non-member
  • Kids/$17 per kid per day

How: To register or for more information about the conference, including maps, directions, workshops, speakers, and a schedule, go to or contact Renee Hunt at (614) 421-2022 Ext. 205 or Last year’s conference sold out, so early registration is encouraged to guarantee a spot.

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