Farm School NYC Certificate Program

farm school NYC

Aspiring Farmers:
Farm School NYC Certificate Programs Applications

Open August 1, 2017

New Yorkers who want to learn to farm without leaving the big city have a resource: Farm School NYC’s two certificate programs.  Farm School NYC trains local residents in urban agriculture to build self-reliant communities and inspire positive local action around food access and social, economic, and racial justice issues.   Applications for the 2017 cohort for both certificate programs will be available on August 1, 2017 at

Every year, we accept fewer than 30% of applicants through the competitive application process for our certificate programs.  Since 2010, more than 80 students have participated in our certificate programs, and our students have gone on to manage and launch farm and farm-related organizations and campaigns that further the food and social justice movements in both urban and rural communities.  

Our Citywide Certificate in Urban Agriculture is our two-year certificate program in Urban Agriculture, which includes 19 courses comprising over 400 hours of instruction, most of which is on-farm training, and a 140-hour, season-long farm apprenticeship.  Our courses are taught by experienced urban farmers, experts in the field, and focus on a wide range of topics from social justice issues, to urban planting techniques, to grassroots community organizing. Through engaging, site-based education, our classes offer comprehensive professional training in urban agriculture and cultivate future leaders in NYC’s food justice movement. 

Farm School NYC’s Farm Intensive Certificate in Urban Agriculture is a one year training program for new farmers in partnership with The Youth Farm at the High School for Public Service in Crown Heights, Brooklyn.   Highly motivated students interested in both social justice and agriculture take several of Farm School NYC’s foundation courses — Food Justice, Botany and Training of Trainers — and then spend a full growing season at The Youth Farm. The goal of the Farm Intensive Certificate is to provide students with an immersive farming experience as they help produce an acre of food and flowers for the farm’s various markets, as well as a cadre of practical sustainable farm management skills through a blend of hands on work, formal workshops, and field trips. This certificate places an emphasis on continuous hands-on farm training throughout a full season of farming in NYC on one farm space, seed to harvest.  

Application Timeline:

  • August 1: Applications open

  • August 14:  Info Session @ Neighborhood Preservation Center, 232 E 11th St, NY, NY

  • September 12:  Info Session @ 61 Local, 61 Bergen St, Brooklyn, NY

  • September 30: Application Deadline

Prospective students can RSVP for info sessions and apply for both our Citywide and Farm Intensive Certificates in Urban Agriculture at Please visit our website for additional information.

Farm School NYC – Apply Today

 Farm School NYC
114 West 47th Street, Suite C1-35
New York, New York 10036

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