Farm Beginnings Farmer Training in NC

farm beginnings farmer training

Looking to launch or expand your farming business in the Southeast?

Join this 210+ hour Farm Beginnings Farmer Training Program!


Info Sessions Coming Up:

Farm Beginnings facilitators Nicole and Cameron will be available to answer questions about how this program will help launch your farming career during two Info Sessions in July and August.

When: Wednesdays August 9, and August 16, 4:00 – 6:00 PM

Where: AB Tech Small Business Center, 1465 Sand Hill Rd, Candler, NC 28715                                                                                             

2017-2018 Farm Beginnings Farmer Training is 210+ Hours including:

Winter Whole-Farm Business Planning Courses – 60 hours (October – March)**

— ASAP’s Business of Farming Conference (February) – 8 hours

— OGS Spring Conference (March) & Harvest Conference (September) – 40+ hours

— Mentorship with an experienced Farmer Mentor (March – September) – 10-15 hours

— Production Training – 45 hours (April – October): WNC CRAFT tours on sustainable farms around WNC & Field Days at theSouthern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Incubator Farm

— One year WNC CRAFT Farmer Network membership – Membership and mentoring in a regional farmer network

**Location of Winter Sessions: Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy Incubator Farm at 180 Mag Sluder Rd. Alexander, NC 28701 (just 15 minutes from Asheville, NC)

Farm Beginnings Farmer Training: Looking to launch or expand your farming business?
Join this 210+ hour Farm Beginnings® Farmer Training Program!

Many skills are required to start a successful farm: passion, clear goals, production experience, financial and marketing know-how, and more. The Farm Beginnings® class is a 12-month training session that helps beginning farmers clarify their goals and strengths, establish a strong enterprise plan and start building their operation. The course uses a mix of farmer-led classroom sessions, on-farm tours, and an extensive farmer network. Farm Beginnings® is designed for new and prospective farmers who want to plan a profitable farm business. Students do not need to currently own land, but some farming or production experience is helpful to get the most out of the class.

“What I got from Farm Beginnings is a real understanding of what it actually takes to have a farm. Before going into the program I had a lot of lofty dreams about living a bucolic life. This class really taught me what it takes and the hard work that goes into farming by introducing us to real farmers and getting real numbers. It was also a really great way to connect to other local farmers and people who are just starting out, in order to create a network of folks who have the same passion and vision.”

Quinn Asteak, Farm Beginnings Graduate

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