Agroecology Shortcourse in Vermont

International Agroecology Shorctourse at the University of Vermont – July 31 – August 10, 2017
We still have some room for interested participants in the 18th Annual International Agroecology Shortcourse, which we are once again hosting at the University of Vermont. This year’s theme is “Pathways to Resilience: An agroecological approach”. Join international participants and instructors with a diversity of backgrounds and expertise to explore agroecology, from foundational theory to new frontiers in the field. This informative and inspirational course has been running for decades, and provides an innovative space to learn, share and network for anyone involved or interested in the field of agroecology, as a science, practice and social movement. The course is hosted by the Agroecology and Livelihoods Collaborative (ALC) 1 at the University of Vermont, in partnership with the Community Agroecology Network (CAN).
There is still space available for the on-credit training course: A 10 day face to face experience at the University of Vermont. Fees are $2,100 (developed country) and $1,800 (developing country), all included (tuition, accommodations, meals and materials). This does not cover travel costs. Dates: July 31-August 10.
· Fees presented above have been finalized.
· We can now confirm our 3 Vermont farm partners: Bread and Butter Farm, The Farm Between and Digger’s Mirth Collective. For more information on the farms, go here.
· For a preliminary schedule of the non-credit training course go here.
If you have any questions, please email us at or visit the 18th Annual International Agroecology Shortcourse Webpage
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