Homegrown Farmstead Internship in New York

Internship Available at Homegrown Farmstead in Delaware County, NY – 2017
Homegrown Farmstead is located on the border of Delhi and Bovina New York in Delaware County. The farm is located on 25 acres of property where we live. Homegrown Farmstead started operations a little over a year ago. Day to day operations are handled by Jacob Boerner who is an Andes, NY native. He has been working on farms for years and currently also manages a larger 800 acre neighboring farm. Management is undertaken by Nicole Gillikin.
Homegrown Farmstead is a small farm but with lots of variety and have gotten set up and started very quickly over the past year. We produce both meat, crops, and eggs which we sell to local stores and restaurants as well as out of our farm stand on the property. In 2016 this included sales of eggs, pork, kale and other greens, and blueberries. We have 200 blueberry bushes on the property and are looking to expand so during blueberry season this is one of our primary activities. We breed livestock (pig, goat, lamb, alpaca and are in the process of building herds of each kind. This spring we have had babies born from all animals so far except our 7 alpaca. We also produce sheep and alpaca wool which we sell to NYC craft workers. We plan to sell some beef in the future but currently have only one your steer. No horses. We have a small apple orchard and a small green house as well as a large outdoor garden which will be expanded this spring. We market online and locally. We participate in local community days in nearby towns.
Homegrown Farmstead Internship: We would like an intern to assist with all activities but we particularly need help with planting, maintaining, harvesting and packaging fruits and vegetables particularly blueberries. Website is www.homegrownfarmstead.com
The main activity we require assistance with is planting, maintaining, harvesting and packaging fruits and vegetables particularly harvesting blueberries. But there is a lot going on here and if applicant is interested in working with livestock this can be included as part of the internship. Days and hours are flexible – daylight being the main requirement. Time commitment would be a minimum of 5 hours per week and can be more. Intern will answer to the two owners. Experience is preferred but not required. Interns currently involved in an ag education program would be a plus. The applicant should be comfortable working with livestock if interested in including this in the internship.
Interns can expect education and guidance and will have access to, and regular interaction with the two owners.
Interns need to have their own transportation.
Application packets may be sent to:
homegrownfarmstead@gmail.com and should include a resume, cover letter, dates available, and two references. Applications preferred by May 15th.
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