Clark’s Farm in Maryland is Hiring

Clark's Farm

Clark’s Farm in Maryland is Hiring for the 2017 Season! 

Are you looking for a great farming opportunity? Do you want to grow vegetables and know there is a market for them? Do you want to help make decisions where and when to expand? Come join our farm and help us grown our produce operation and keep our customers satisfied!

Clark’s Farm is a family farm in central Maryland (Howard County). We run a summer vegetable garden, on farm retail store, and CSA. We also operate a petting farm and raise 100% grass fed beef and pasture raised pork.

Description: Clark’s Farm is looking for someone with produce growing experience to expand our organic produce operation. Our farm produce stand is open every day July 1 through Labor Day and our CSA runs for 12 weeks. There is plenty of room to expand here and we are looking for the right person to make that happen!

Job Duties: 

Planning, planting, and other garden prep (including tractor work)

Irrigation set up, weeding, trellising, harvesting, and packing

Prioritizing tasks for helpers during the busiest season

Plan, pick, and pack CSA

Be comfortable interacting with customers and working at farm market.

Qualifications: Positive attitude, self motivated, passionate, ready to share knowledge and to learn, hard working, time management skills, organizational skills. Must have farm experience with growing vegetables successfully.

Details: Approximate dates for employment March1-Nov 30, with year round work possible. Compensation will be based on experience.

This is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for land to grow! We have the market, land, and capacity to grow our business. We are just looking for the right person to expand the operation!

If you are interested in a job on Clark’s Farm please send a message with a brief description of yourself and your interests, your resume, and/or questions to Nora at before March 4, 2017

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