Fruit and Vegetable Farm for Sale

fruit and vegetable farm for sale

Fruit and Vegetable Farm for Sale in Maine – Turnkey Farming Operation

Circle B Farms is 70 acres total, 30a wood lot last cut in 2006, 10a Highbush Blueberries first planting 1985/ last planting 2011, 600 apple trees, planted from 2003 to 2012,  10a tillable for mix vegetable operation. 2a Asparagus planted 2015.

All equipment and buildings plus 3 bed room 1600 sq. ft home included.

2014 built 56×70 packing shed and office 180 sq ft. freezer and 192 sq ft cooler

This turnkey operation sets on the eastern bank of the scenic, Aroostook River in Caribou,  Maine.  The farm lays with a south west exposure that is fantastic for growing berries and apples.

This operation has many moving parts when in full swing. Starting in late July with You Pick Highbush Blueberries and mixed vegetables at the farm stand. Soon after the commercial side of the operation will start to roll with 50 or so local people, we hand and machine harvest 10,000 Highbush Blueberries plants from the first of August to early September. We deliver the bulk of the berry crop to the warehouse loading dock for Hannaford with our own refrigerated truck. The rest is delivered to 50 or so local stores or frozen in our on farm freezer.

Early September the local public comes for You Pick Apples, plus we have a crew of two or three picking for our on farm storage which gives us winter sales.

All the while garden crops are being sold and put into storage for the winter sales.

We deliver our frozen blueberries, apples and vegetables to many schools and institutions state wide and we work with a distributor as well.

I have health issues I can no longer avoid.

As part of sale I will stay on for a year or so and help buyer with things like where the irrigation and electric lines are buried or introducing them to our buyers and contractors. All the little things that will sneak up on you when you least expect it.

We also have one full time employee and one part time for the winter. In summer we have 2 more that come back every year to help with field work.

Check out  for farm history and a good look at the operation.

For a complete list of crops, and other projects we do please contact Circle B Farms at 207-498-8238 or send an email, contact info on website.  Put Farm for sale in subject line.

Fruit and vegetable farm for sale – Purchase Details

We can talk about the sale price when you contact me this operation will more than pay for its self under the right management.

Sam Blackstone

Circle B Farms

Caribou Maine


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