Hiring Greenhouse Manager and Pack Shed Crew in PA

Who Cooks for You Farm

Who Cooks For You Farm is hiring a Greenhouse Manager and Pack Shed Crew for 2017 – Pittsburgh Area

Who Cooks For You Farm is a Certified Naturally Grown vegetable farm. 2017 is our 9th growing season. We direct sell our produce to the Pittsburgh area through CSA, Farmers Markets and Wholesale. We grow 50+ different types of vegetables on 30 acres and extend the season with 6 high tunnels.

We are looking for 3 pack shed crew members and 1 greenhouse manager from April – December. Entry level receive $9/hr. Experienced farmers will receive an hourly rate based on experience. We work 45-55 hours each week. A pay raise will be based on performance, ability to handle responsibility, tardiness and attitude. We offer on farm housing for $150/month plus $25 for utilities.

Pack shed responsibilities require that you have a delicate touch while working quickly.  You will be involved with post harvest processing.  Produce is received, washed and packed in the pack shed.  This job is incredibly important because our produce is the face of the farm.  It is essential that as our produce is leaving the farm, it’s looking it’s best.  Super fresh and clean! This job, also, includes packing for wholesale orders, farmers market and CSA. This part of the farm requires you to have attention to details and the ability to successfully complete tasks.

Greenhouse manager responsibilities include seeding, thinning, watering, transplanting, and harvesting.  Having an observant eye, for disease and pest pressure is very important and attention to plant happiness and timing is essential.  This is quiet and thoughtful work.  You should be comfortable alone and work productively in this atomosphere.  You are are beginning to all that happens on this farm.  It’s your discretion that catches mice, takes plants to harden off when the time is right, and lets others know when plants are ready for planting.  Being a person who likes to stay busy, cleanliness and having a good sense of organization is a plus.  Friendly, and good communication skills are essential for making light of heavy, wet and dirty work and catching mistakes before they happen.

Most importantly, these jobs are fast paced and require that you work quickly and efficiently everyday.  This is how successful farms function.

Please send applications to Chris Brittenburg and Aeros Lillstrom-Brittenburg via email.  Please include your resume, a personal statement stating why you are interested in working with us, and 3 references, 2 professional and 1 personal.

We look forward to meeting you.

181 Eddyville Rd

New Bethlehem, PA 16242


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