Helsing Junction Farm in WA – Jobs

Helsing Junction Farm

Helsing Junction Farm in Washington is hiring for the 2017 Season! 

We have multiple positions open for the 2017 season. Available positions include:

  • Field Crew Manager
  • Packshed Manager
  • Irrigation Manager
  • Irrigation Assistant
  • Equipment Operator
  • Field Crew Member
  • Delivery Driver
  • Delivery Driver Assistant

Please visit our website,, and scroll down for job descriptions and application instructions!

Helsing Junction Farm is a 50 acre organic farm located in Rochester, WA. We are nestled at the eastern edge of Independence Valley, an agriculturally rich farming community about 25 miles south of Olympia. We operate a 1,000+ member CSA, delivering from Portland to Seattle and many places in between. In addition we do a smaller amount of wholesale and direct to business sales. The farm was started in 1992 by Annie Salafsky and Sue Ujcic and was one of the country’s first CSA operations. You can visit our website, if you’d like to learn more.

Our primary goal is to provide our CSA members with the most nutritionally complete vegetables and fruit we can grow. To that end, we make caring for our soil a priority. We test our soil twice a year so that we can correct any imbalance and we apply trace minerals, cover crop extensively and practice minimal tillage. Vegetables grown in healthy, nutrient rich soil look and taste amazing!

We are a true CSA in that almost everything grown on the farm goes to our 1100 CSA members. This makes being a part of our CSA a unique experience, as you will be directly connected to the source of your food. You’ll hear the stories of the people who grew it and explore the place it came from with weekly photos, farm news and a farm visit should you wish to harvest yourself some carrots or eat ripe Sungold cherry tomatoes straight from the vine.

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