Real Food Rising Farm Manager Job – Utah

real food rising

Real Food Rising is an urban farm and youth development program in Salt Lake City, Utah — and we’re hiring a Farm Manager! 

Program Information: 

Real Food Rising’s youth programs bring together teens from diverse geographical, economic, cultural, and racial backgrounds to grow healthy food for their community, engage in meaningful work and receive a stipend, and develop essential skills they need to succeed and thrive in the future.

We farm sustainably on 1.25 acres of restored urban land that we lease from Neighborhood House, a nonprofit center that has been providing quality, affordable day care and support services to children and adults for over 100 years. In 2015, we grew over 12,000 pounds of fresh produce for the community. Techniques used include natural forms of pest control to avoid the use of harsh chemicals, drip irrigation to conserve water, beekeeping for pollination, composting as a natural fertilizer, crop rotation, and cover cropping to improve soil structure and to return nutrients back to the soil.

Our produce is donated to hunger-relief organizations, sold at local farm stands, distributed to a handful of wholesale accounts, and given to staff and youth. Food access is a critical piece of the Real Food Rising program and our prices are always affordable, if not free.

Job Information: 

Description: The RFR Farm Manager will work in the field on a weekly basis on our 1.25 acre urban sustainable farm.  Tasks include: creating a crop production plan for spring summer and fall, bed preparation, planting, weeding, integrated pest management, irrigation management and compost building.  Equally important, this position will plan and lead agriculture workshops for youth, participate in seasonal planning and strategy meetings, coordinate distribution of farm produce, coordinate with partners and keep detailed records of produce grown and harvested.  The majority of farm work will be accomplished through leading community volunteer and youth program work days, but individual work may be required for some tasks.

Qualifications: High School diploma or GED.  A minimum of 1 year of full-season agricultural experience, preferably in an urban environment.  Spanish language skills and knowledge about sustainable agriculture preferred. Experience in a teaching setting and working with teenagers would be helpful.

For more information and to apply for the Real Food Rising Farm Manager position, go to to submit a resume.

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