Apprenticeships at Sun Sprout Farm – New York

Apprenticeships at Sun Sprout Farm in New York for 2017
Sun Sprout Farm is a 24 acre organic mixed vegetable farm in Chester, NY. We are located in Orange County, and farm on black dirt soil about an hour north of NYC. We are entering our second season of production and are passionate about growing healthy organic vegetables, herbs and cut flowers for individuals and families in the region. We farm next to three other independent organic farms as part of the Chester Agricultural Center. We market our vegetables through four farmer’s markets per week as well as CSA and wholesale accounts. Our seasonal apprenticeship program runs from mid- March until the week before Thanksgiving. These positions offer the opportunity to learn about the everyday workings of an organic vegetable farm. It is an important part of our mission to teach others about farming and we are glad to share the knowledge gained from ten years of farming experience.
We are looking for highly motivated workers who are interested in learning about organic agriculture and who love working outdoors in all seasons. Our apprentices take part in all aspects of crop production including greenhouse seeding, transplanting, cultivation, harvesting and marketing. We pay $10/hr plus farm vegetables and have housing available near the farm for $350/month including utilities. There are no pets allowed in this housing. Work is six days per week, usually 60+ hrs/week during the summer and around 40 hrs/week in the spring and fall. Farming experience is helpful but is not required. A strong work ethic and ability to perform outdoor physical labor in all kinds of weather conditions are a must.
We are part of the mid-Hudson CRAFT program which allows our apprentices to visit other host farms in the area for a tour, talk, or demonstration on a specific topic in order to connect and network with other local farmers and learn about other farming practices. You can find more information about our farm on our homepage (, Facebook ( and Instagram (
Sun Sprout Farm offers three apprenticeship positions and requires a full season commitment. In addition we are always looking for seasonal help during the summer months. All applicants need a valid driver’s license and clean driving record. We are currently accepting applications for the 2017 season. If you would like to apply, please send your resume with previous work experience and letter of interest to:
Sun Sprout Farm
168 Meadow Ave
Chester, NY 10918
or by email to:
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