Young Farmers Conference LiveStream

Wednesday December 7
11:00am: Farms as Agents of Social Change
2:00pm: Fitting Green Manure Cover Crops into Crop Rotation
3:45pm: Understanding Customer Behavior at Farmers Markets
Thursday December 8
9:15am: Acta Non-Verba: Youth Urban Farm Project
11:00am: Carbon Farming
2:00pm: Panel: Grassfed Grazing
3:45pm: Land Access for Urban Farmers
Last year’s videos:
Crop Rotation
Growing and Marketing Cut Flowers
Know Your Supplier
Farm Mechanization Tools for Increased Efficiency
Swine Nutrition and Management
Every December, hundreds of beginning farmers from across the United States gather at Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Pocantico Hills, New York to learn from agricultural luminaries, peers, and advocacy organizations at the Young Farmers Conference. On December 7-9, 2016, Stone Barns Center will host the 9th annual Young Farmers Conference, providing participants with access to inspiring keynotes and unique workshops that address soil science, technical skills, agricultural policy, farm business management, conservation and more.
Click here to view the 2016 Young Farmers Conference Schedule
Profitable Market Gardening | Carbon Farming; Regenerative Agriculture for Climate Stabilization | Seed Breeding | Food Waste Cycles at Stone Barns | No-Till Agriculture
Accounting for Farmers | Find Your Cost of Production and Profitability | Stealing Supermarket Savvy | Starting a Non-Profit Farm
Land Access
Find Your Farm | Land Access for Urban Farmers
Necropsy for Farmers | Grassfed Grazing Panel | Pastured Rabbit for Profit
Small Engine Mechanics | New Tools and Appropriate Technology for the Small Farm | Designing and Managing the Moveable Greenhouse
Know Your Buyer | Ending Racism in Farming & Food | Worksongs for Small Farms
The Future of Grains with Dan Barber | Whole Animal Butchery | Farmer-Chef Roundtables
I need help in establishing my own farm, but I can not afford tools and materials and maintenance. I am willing to start