Growing in High Tunnels Webinar Kicks Off Fall Series

growing in high tunnels

Fall Farminar Series Kicks off Nov. 15  – Growing in High Tunnels: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Jill Beebout, Blue Gate Farm – November 15, 7 p.m. CST

After more than 10 years of growing in high tunnels, Jill Beebout of Blue Gate Farm has made mistakes, celebrated successes and collected lots of data. Jill will share her experiences, the numbers, and her best and worst high tunnel ideas – or as she says, “the good, the bad and the ugly.”

Jill Beebout farms at Blue Gate Farm with her husband, Sean Skeehan. They steward 40 acres of family land in southern Marion County, where they raise Certified Naturally Grown produce, laying hens, honey bees, hay and alpacas; their marketing is done primarily through their CSA and farmers market.

How to Participate

1.      Visit 
2.      Click the “Join in” button
3.      Select “Enter as a Guest” and type your name in the blank, then click “Enter Room”

Fall Farminar Schedule

Nov. 22 – “Conservation Stewardship Program: Major Changes and Sign-Up Process” Presented by Dave Brommel and Larrette Kolbe

Nov. 29 –  “Tax Preparation for Your Farm” Presented by Matt Russell and Kristine Tidgren

Dec. 6 –  “Graze and Bale: Cover Crops as Forage” Presented by James Holz and Bill Frederick

Dec. 13 –  “Getting More from Cover Crops” Presented by Jack Boyer and Mike Castellano

Dec. 20 –  “Farm-Life Balance for CSA Farmers” Presented by Kristen Kordet and Kate Edwards

Click here for all the farminar descriptions and speaker bios

Practical Farmers of Iowa’s 2016 fall farminars are made possible with funding from Ceres Trust, Farm Service Agency, Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship’s Water Quality Initiative, McKnight Foundation and Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Practical Farmers of Iowa is an open, supportive and diverse organization of farmers and friends of farmers that seeks to strengthen farms and communities through farmer-led investigation and information sharing.

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