Lead and Field Crew Jobs in Washington State

2017 Lead and Field Crew Jobs at Red Dog Farm in Chimacum, WA
Red Dog Farm is a 23-acre organic farm with 17 acres in vegetable and berry production. Located on the Olympic Peninsula, we are nestled in the beautiful Center Valley of Chimacum, Washington. We produce crops year-round and sell to two local farmers markets, to local restaurants and wholesalers, through our CSA program, and at our own self-serve farm stand. We have been operating for ten years and is owned by Karyn Williams. Our two Co- farm managers have worked at Red Dog Farm since 2014. Our farm crew consists of nine full time, full-season employees, as well as additional peak season employees and volunteers.
Red Dog Farm is a production farm with a strong focus on efficiency, crop diversity, and customer satisfaction. We spend the vast majority of our time harvesting, washing and packing. We utilize tractors for the majority of our weeding and field preparation.
We have openings for several 2017 Lead and Field Crew Jobs:
Farmers Market Lead: We seek one talented individual to run our twice weekly farmers market booths- at Port Townsend Saturday and Chimacum Sunday markets. The ideal applicant would have excellent customer service skills, be adept at multi-tasking, be able to train and lead co-workers in all market tasks, possess organic farm production and produce handling skills, and have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Must be able to work weekends April- December. Additionally, the Farmers Market Lead would work with the crew in the fields 2- 3 days per week.
Pack Shed Lead: We seek one talented individual to run our pack shed. The ideal applicant would have excellent attention to detail, be adept at multi-tasking, be able to work quickly and accurately, uphold and communicate about quality standards, and have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Must be able to work Monday- Friday. Additionally, the Pack Shed Lead would work with the crew in the fields when not in Pack Shed Lead role.
Field Crew (3 positions): Ideal field crew applicants are smart, strong, detail-oriented, possess a strong interest in food and farming, enjoy working on a team, and are ready for a new challenge.
All positions are paid hourly. Wage is dependent on experience. Applications are accepted and reviewed on an on-going basis until the positions are filled.
For more information on the 2017 Lead and Field Crew Jobs and to apply, visit www.reddogfarm.net/staff.
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