Crop Insurance for Diversified Farmers

crop insurance for diversified farmers

Webinar on Whole Farm Revenue Protection – Crop Insurance for Diversified Farmers

Do you produce fruits, vegetables or other specialty crops? Are you interested in protecting your crops with crop insurance, but struggling to find crop insurance that works for the diversity of fruits or vegetables you produce on your operation?

Or maybe you’re a crop insurance agent who is interested in strengthening crop insurance options for specialty crop producers. Maybe you’re a banker, and your banking policies require that loan applicants have crop insurance.

The Center for Rural Affairs will hold free webinars on Whole Farm Revenue Protection (WFRP), a crop insurance option that requires crop diversity in order to qualify. Learn  The first two webinars are on Thursday, Nov. 17: one for producers and one for insurance agents. All are welcome to attend, there is no cost to participate.

Scott Marlow of Rural Advancement Foundation International and crop insurance expert Clifton Parker will share their knowledge and expertise on how WFRP works and how to apply it to specialty crop producers.

Crop Insurance for Diversified Farmers – What producers need to know about Whole Farm Revenue Protection – Webinar

Thursday, Nov. 17, 11 a.m. to noon. CST

Focused for producers, all are welcome

Click here to register

Insuring fruit and vegetable producers under Whole Farm Revenue Protection

Thursday, Nov. 17, noon to 1 p.m. CST

Focused for insurance agents, all are welcome

Click here to register

Whole Farm Revenue Protection was created under the last Farm Bill and is designed to offer coverage for operations for which traditional crop-specific insurance products aren’t available.

Future webinars you might be interested in:

Wednesday, Nov 30: Whole Farm Revenue Protection for commodity producers. This will be a great webinar for commodity producers who have one or two additional crops that they have trouble insuring.

2 to 3 p.m. CST: for producers. Register here.

3 to 4 p.m. CST: for insurance agents. Register here.

Wednesday, Dec 14: Whole Farm Revenue Protection for livestock producers. WFRP will insure up to $1 million in annual revenue from animals and animal products – learn how to apply.

11 a.m. to noon CST: for producers – Register here

Noon to 1 p.m. CST: for insurance agents – Register here

Click here for more information

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