Radical Mycology Mushroom Cultivation Course

Mushroom Cultivation Course and Other Radical Mycology Events in Nashville
Peter McCoy, author of the book “Radical Mycology:A Treatise on Seeing and Working With Fungi” will be doing two Mushroom and Mycology related events in Nashville this September as a part of the upcoming tour for his.
One is a free presentation on Sept. 8, 2016. The talk covers the many ways fungi can help humans and environment as food, medicine, and pollution remediators. The facebook event for that is here:
The other event is a weekend-long Mushroom Cultivation & Application Course on the weekend of Sept. 9-11. Designed for the beginner as well the experienced cultivator, this course covers everything you need to know to start producing high quality mushroom spawn, fruit mushrooms indoors all year, construct a mushroom farm, and establish regenerative outdoor mushroom installations. Topics include:
Mushroom Cultivation Fundamentals
• The biology, ecology, and history of the Fungal Kingdom
• The principles underlying the art and science of cultivation
• Aseptic (“sterile”) practices with agar, grains, compost, and wood-based materials
• Liquid-based mushroom cultivation practices
• Place-based resource management and systems design principles
• Lab and fruiting environment designs for home-, farm-, or community-scale projects
• Appropriate, low-cost, and low-tech cultivation methods and tools
• Growing wild mushrooms
Appropriate Applications of Fungi
• Medicinal mushroom processing for maximum potency
• Outdoor mushroom garden design and installation
• Fungal integration into various permaculture-inspired sustainable living systems
• Mycoremediation chemistry and design concepts
• Supporting and diversifying fungal–plant relationships
Extra Skills
• Building soil health through cultivating mycorrhizal fungi
• Biochar & fungi
• Biogas & fungi
• Wild mushroom identification
• Resources & much more!
The cost of the course is $250. Tuition includes 4 mushroom cultures (valued at over $150), supplies, and a 100-page workbook. Student, group, and low-income discounts are also available.
More details about the mushroom cultivation course, including registration information, can be seen here:
Peter’s bio and interviews with him can also be seen here:
For more information on mushroom cultivation, see beginning farmers Mushroom Production Page at: https://www.beginningfarmers.org/mushroom-production/
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